The Here and Now

Resource pages to support you, your organization, and those you serve.

Leap Voices

Leap Voices lifts up the importance of equity and high performance by sharing the voices and experiences of Leap Ambassadors.

Equity Resources

Equity is essential to high performance. Leap Ambassadors share resources that they have found useful in their own work.

Books by Leap Ambassadors

Books authored by members of our community.

Resources for COVID-19

Leap Ambassadors share resources that they have found useful as they navigate the pandemic as individuals, community members, and social-sector leaders.

The Knowledge Center

A starter list of bite-sized videos and articles from partner organizations that might offer just what you need to understand a problem or define your approach.

The Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community is a private community of experts and leaders who believe that mission and performance are inextricably linked. Our resources are collaboratively developed and offered to the field to support organizations on their journeys to high performance.

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