Leap Futures Initiative – 2019 Context

The October 2019 letter kicked off a campaign to introduce the Strategy for Change to the Leap Community, summarize its achievements, and convey that Morino Ventures would fund the operation of the Leap Community through 2023. Providing for operation post-2023 was one of five aspirational goals:

Provide for operation post-2023 – Morino Ventures/Institute and the Leap support team will continue to provide the financial and logistical backing for the community from now through 2023. Well before then, the ambassadors will have to understand and assess the interest, willingness, and availability of those in the community to determine what happens after 2023. Possible scenarios include continuing the current community as a new entity with its own governance, assets, support team, and funding; consolidating it with an established institution; sunsetting the operation by memorializing the community, recognizing the ambassadors, and ensuring its rich base of content is available to benefit the field.

The section concluded by sharing “However the community evolves, ambassadors must find value and provide value to their fellow ambassadors—either in their own work/careers and/or their interest in building and changing the field.”

These links provide quick access to these documents from that October 2019 communication for understanding the historical background of the Leap Futures Initiative:

The Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community is a private community of experts and leaders who believe that mission and performance are inextricably linked. Our resources are collaboratively developed and offered to the field to support organizations on their journeys to high performance.

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