Marty Miles

Marty Miles


Workforce Development Consultant

Marty’s work has focused in the field of workforce development, helping low-income unemployed or under-employed persons achieve these results: real skills that employers need and quality jobs in career pathways that can lead to family sustainability. After 15 years as a practitioner and Director of Training, Inc., a high-performing workforce nonprofit in Indianapolis, she has taken on roles that allow her to coach and train staff and leaders of other nonprofit workforce providers to produce better results.

As an independent consultant, many of Marty’s current projects are related to the Workforce Benchmarking Network, which is focused on better use of data to improve results and accelerate learning in the field. Through workshops, intensive peer learning groups and individualized technical assistance she helps organization leadership and staff strengthen their culture around collecting and using data for learning and performance improvement. She also works with local funders (both public and private) on ways to better align their outcome and reporting systems. Marty works nationally in partnership with Corporation for a Skilled Workforce and with other capacity-building intermediaries in various cities.

Marty was a Senior Program Director with Public/Private Ventures until it closed in 2012, where she co-led the development of the national Benchmarking initiative and created numerous workshops and conferences to support skills development for staff of workforce programs around the country. Prior to that, for 10 years she was the director of the Training, Inc. National Association, where one of her priorities was creating a national database for use by Training, Inc. affiliates to communicate results and facilitate cross-site learning.

Marty has co-authored several publications for the workforce field, including Good Stories Aren’t Enough: Becoming Outcomes Driven in Workforce Development; Apples to Apples: Making Data Work for Community-Based Workforce Programs; and Nurturing Inquiry and Innovation. She holds a B.A. in sociology from Case Western Reserve University and an M.S. in adult education from Indiana University. In addition to her work, her other passions are singing in a local chorus and spending time with her husband, children and grandkids.

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