Phil Buchanan

Phil Buchanan

Center for Effective Philanthropy

President and CEO

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Phil Buchanan is president of the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) and was the first chief executive of the organization. At CEP, Phil has built a research team, secured funding, developed a research agenda, and managed the development and introduction of new performance assessment tools. Under his leadership, the organization has grown into the leading provider of comparative performance data to large foundations and other grantmaking institutions. CEP’s research reports have shaped practice and understanding among foundation CEOs and trustees, and its assessment tools have been used by 200 foundations located in the United States, Canada, the UK, and Israel. The organization has been credited with bringing the voice of grantees and other stakeholders into the foundation boardroom and with contributing to an increased emphasis on clear goals, coherent strategies, and relevant performance indicators as the necessary ingredients to maximize effectiveness and impact. He holds an MBA from Harvard University and received his undergraduate degree in Government from Wesleyan University. Phil is a columnist for The Chronicle of Philanthropy.

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