Measurement Reconsidered

April 2020

In this digital curation of a December 2019 community conversation, Keystone Accountability CEO David Bonbright introduces the idea of adding constituent feedback to traditional modes of monitoring and evaluation. Measurement is complicated and always imperfect, he argues, but by using a range of methods, we can create a constant flow of useful evidence to support continuous improvement.

Brad Dudding explains how the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) started to ask its clients what they themselves felt they needed and wanted to succeed after incarceration. As a result of adding clients’ perspectives to the expertise of staff, CEO made meaningful improvements to their services to improve lives and reduce recidivism.

Sophie Sahaf shares how feedback from clients helped LIFT improve their financial coaching. The perspectives of parents trying to break the cycle of poverty, in conjunction with other data, led LIFT to narrow its set of services, increase duration of client engagements, and ultimately improve outcomes like income gain.

Watch to learn about incorporating constituent voice into your continuous improvement efforts.

WATCHMeasurement Reconsidered



Time for a Three-Legged Measurement Stool – Why feedback should supplement other learning methods

Feedback Labs – Learn more about feedback loops, and access tools and training

Feedback Commons – Find feedback questions, create a survey, and put feedback into action

Performance Imperative – Our framework for high performance incorporates feedback principles

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